Minggu, 27 Desember 2015

Contoh Program Sederhana Class

Contoh-contoh membuat program sederhana dengan menggunakan Class, source codenya adalah sebagai berikut:
Contoh 1:

#include <iostream>
/* run this program using the console pauser or add your own getch, system("pause") or input loop */
using namespace std;
class CRectangle{
            int p,l;
                        void set_values (int,int);
                        int luas (void) {return (p*l);}
void CRectangle::set_values (int r, int s){
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
            CRectangle rect;
            rect.set_values (2,6);
            cout<<"Luas: "<<rect.luas();
            return 0;

Contoh 2:
#include <iostream>
/* run this program using the console pauser or add your own getch, system("pause") or input loop */
using namespace std;
class CRectangle {
            int a, b;
                        void set_values (int,int);
                        int area (void) {return (a*b);}
void CRectangle::set_values (int x, int y){
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
            CRectangle rect, rectb;
            rect.set_values (2,3);
            rectb.set_values (4,3);
            cout<<"Rect area: "<<rect.area()<<endl;
            cout<<"Rectb area: "<<rectb.area()<<endl;
            return 0;

Contoh 3:
#include <iostream>
/* run this program using the console pauser or add your own getch, system("pause") or input loop */
using namespace std;
class p_panjang{
                        int p,l;
                        int luas(){return (p*l);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
            p_panjang a;
            cout<<"Panjang          = ";cin>>a.p;
            cout<<"Lebar  = ";cin>>a.l;
            cout<<"Luas   = "<<a.luas();
            return 0;

Contoh 4:
#include <iostream>
/* run this program using the console pauser or add your own getch, system("pause") or input loop */
using namespace std;
class p_panjang{
                        int p,l;
                        int luas (){return (p*l);}
                        void beri_nilai (int p1, int l1){p=p1; l=l1;}
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
            p_panjang a,b;
            int x,y;
            cout<<"Panjang          = ";cin>>x;
            cout<<"Luas   = ";cin>>y;
            cout<<"\nLuas a          = "<<a.luas();
            cout<<"\nLuas b         = "<<b.luas();
            return 0;


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